Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology
with Dr. Radhika in 30minutes
Astrological horoscope is a snapshot in time of the position of the planets and stars on the date and time you are born. Your horoscope isthe best predictive and remedial guide for all aspects of your life. In this consultation, Dr. Radhika decodes your cosmic horoscope in depth and planetary transitsto answer all your questions.
Sciences used during consultation
- Vedic Astrology
- Predictive Astrology
- Lal Kitab Principles
- Nakshatra Technique (Sky Map)
- Vedic Remedies& Mantras
Consultation is the perfect investment for you if you want accurate guidance on
- Relationships
- Profession
- Career
- Business
- Education
- Health
- Litigation
- Finances
- Family Planning
- Property & Vehicle
- Relocation, Visa, Green Card
- Annual Horoscope (Varshphal)